Managing Director
Mob Jobs is a 100% owned and operated First Nations business that provides specialised culturally safe employment, recruitment, and training services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. We also offer a range of tailored corporate development services and training designed to improve organisations cultural capabilities and establish them as an employer of choice for First Nations jobseekers.
First Nations people have increased economic opportunities to redress the cycle of systemic poverty through more equitable participation in culturally safe employment and owner operator businesses.
To work with employers of First Nation people to ensure culturally safe workplaces and to provide appropriate supports to increase the retention and success of First people employees, and to support the establishment and growth of First Nations Businesses by promoting procurement strategies with mainstream business.
There is significant evidence that shows culturally unsafe workplaces present multiple barriers for First Nations jobseekers, and in worst case examples, can harbour entrenched racist and discriminatory policies and practices. This is a major cause of low levels of employment of First Nations people and the primary reason for their leaving employment.
Gari Yarla-InfoOur corporate services are aimed at embedding an inclusive and culturally safe workplace by reviewing policy and procedures, and improving staff cultural awareness and cultural safety practice, which can increase employment, training and procurement opportunities for First Nations people and businesses.
Reconciliation Action Plans (RAP), employment strategies and cultural safety frameworks provide the building blocks for successful engagement with First Nations people which create employment and business opportunities that in many cases positively impact the lives of not only the employees but also their families and communities. Our team of specialist First people staff are committed to ensuring our recruits are culturally safe and provide weekly post-placement mentoring for up to 6 months for both employee and employer.